I've been wanting to write about shopping in our city, but I hate feeling like a tourist and snapping pics everywhere. Our city has one exceptionally large market for shopping/bargaining for pretty much every kind of item you can think of. I shop there for shoes and winter gear and stationery and sometimes clothes. We are fortunate to have an IKEA so we've gotten some decorative items, kitchen utensils and much of the kids' bedroom furnishings there (like their bedding and cute containers for their toys).
We buy fruit and eggs from local stands in our neighborhood, and that is one fantastic about living here. It is so convenient to pick up fresh produce at fairly inexpensive prices without going out of my way or waiting in checkout lines. As far as supermarkets go, we have several Wal-Mart locations and three big European stores are represented: Carrefour (France), Tesco (England) and Metro (Germany).
We do most of our shopping at Carrefour. The location closest to us has a small import section, but the biggest store is only two subway stops away (and what is pictured here).
Imported products we tend to buy are: cereal, granola bars, olives, salsa, pasta, tomato sauce, sour cream, refried beans, tortilla chips, cheese. Avocados are virtually impossible to find here in the northeast. I've heard of the fanciest import stores selling them on occasion for $9 each. Then last week my friend called me from Tesco and said she was holding a package of two avocados for $3.25 and did I want her to get some for me. You can imagine how fast I said YES. They were worth every penny. (And made me think I should take time to go to Tesco more often.)
I know I've mentioned this beautiful shopping mall before -- it is not far from Kevin's office and right across the street from my new job. It has a fancy (read = expensive) import store inside and nearly every designer shop you can name.
I may have taken a peek once or twice in the two-story Tiffany & Co store. I've never actually seen people buying things from these stores (the import luxury tax is off the charts) but the mall is a really nice, quiet place to walk around.
There is a restaurant/bakery in the atrium on the fourth floor that's become our favorite lunch date location.
Speaking of food and lunch, here are two pictures from the Christmas Eve luncheon at Kevin's office. Not everyone is pictured, but it'll give you an idea of where Kevin spends his days and who he's privileged to work alongside as they assist and advocate for people affected by disability.
Living in a foreign country has its daily challenges, but it is also a bigger blessing than we imagined when we applied for work here. I know we are right where we are meant to be.